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Upcoming Ayurveda Training

We at Rainbow Parakeet Ayurveda are passionate about promoting Ayurvedic knowledge within the Australian community.

We believe that people are looking for some simple practices that can be incorporated into their life.

Hence we teamed up with an experienced Ayurvedic Doctor, Dr. Prathibha, who has decades of practical clinical experience to present this Ayur Mastery Course.


Ayur Mastery
Ayurvedic Awareness Program

This 3 day (5 hours) online live course is for everyone who would like to find more balance in their life - suited both for complete Ayurveda beginners and experienced practitioners.

We will learn from an experienced Ayurveda Doctor how to understand our individual constitution and to incorporate Lifestyle, Diet, Body Therapies and Herbal medicines in everyday life.

The main aim of the course is to improve ones health by introducing simple and easy techniques of Ayurveda in day to day life.

The course will run for 3 days 1.5 hours each day in the live online format via Zoom.

Dates: Thursday Evenings of April 18, April 25 and May 2 at 8pm Perth time via Zoom

Investment: $160

To Book: 

Bank Transfer to 

Rainbow Parakeet Ayurveda

BSB 036-027

Acct 704555

Please Email payment confirmation to and we will reply with the Zoom link 


Dr. Prathiba and I met during our 21 Day Panchakarma Group Retreat in her center in Kerala in January 2024 where she looked after my group and we couldn't have wished for a more caring, patient, intuitive and knowlegeable Ayurvedic Doctor.

She is oozing passion for teaching and promoting Ayurveda wordwide.

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