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Liver/Gallbladder cleanse (from $980)

Ayurvedic small intestine, liver and gall bladder cleanse via herbal purging (allocate 10-14 days)

  • 1 h
  • 90 Australian dollars
  • Alvaston Drive

Service Description

When excess bile is secreted and accumulated in the gall bladder, liver and small intestine, it tends to result in rashes, skin inflammation, acne, nausea and jaundice. Ayurveda suggests in these conditions the administration of therapeutic purgation or a laxative. Virechana (purgation) is extremely effective for skin problems: · allergic rash, · skin inflammation, · acne, · dermatitis, · eczema Other conditions where Virechana is administered: · urinary disorders, internal worms, burning sensation in the eyes, inflammation of the eyes, conjunctivitis, gout, anaemia, headaches, asthma, cough, rhinitis, gynaecological disorders, rheumatic conditions. What happens during Virechana (small intestine/liver/gall bladder cleanse): - Initial Consultation with your Ayurvedic Practitioner where your current state of digestion and overall health is discussed and suitability of Virechana is determined; - Depending on strength of your digestion, you will be recommended some diet/lifestyle/herbal protocol to prepare for the cleanse (1-2 weeks of diet and herbal prescription); - During this preparation, you may be recommended some external treatments at our clinic (such as Udwartana herbal powder massage to improve lymphatic circulation and natural detoxification) - You will then start internal oleation (i.e. ghee intake) for 3-7 days depending on each individual case. Ghee makes the body oily and soft. It softens the body parts, liquefies the vitiated doshas. Usually herbal ghee is selected. The herbs used help in the speedy recovery of the patient. Ghee improves blood and lymphatic circulation, improves the process of clearing the toxic substances from the tissues, releases stiffness in the muscles and cures pain. Ghee provides ample oil to the digestive fire, to burn brighter and also lubricates and pulls toxins out of the tissues into the GI tract. - After internal oleation (ghee intake), you will be coming to the clinic for 3 days for full-body oil massage (abhyanga) and herbal steam in the steam box to continue moving toxins into the GI tract. - By then you should be ready for your therapeutic purgation (herbal laxative intake) which will cause bouts of diarrhoea eliminating vitiated doshas pulled into GI tract. You will rest for the remainder of the day. - You will be asked to follow specific diet for the next 1-2 weeks and will be prescribed herbal protocol to rejuvenate and strengthen the system. Detox cost varies starting from $980.

Contact Details

  • Rainbow Parakeet Ayurveda, 52 Alvaston Drive, Carine WA, Australia

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