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Initial Consultation - New Client

Initial Consultation - In depth discussion of current health concerns and your constitutional type

  • 1 h
  • 90 Australian dollars
  • Alvaston Drive

Service Description

Every new Client is recommended to first have an initial consultation to receive the most effect from the further treatments. We will have an in depth discussion of current health concerns and your constitutional type and how to create your ideal diet and daily routine to optimise your health. During your consultation we will examine various aspects including: Pulse: Taking the pulse is a way to determine one’s constitution, or dosha, and current state of imbalance. The Ayurvedic practitioner feels for the strength of vata, pitta, and kapha in the pulse. They look for the overall qualities of the pulse as well: hot or cold, feeble or bounding, stable or mobile, heavy or light. Vata is felt under the first finger, pitta in the middle finger, and kapha under the ring finger. A dry, light, cold pulse reveals the presence of vata; a hot, bounding, sharp pulse indicates pitta; a slow, soft, steady pulse is more kapha in nature. Urine: The colour can indicate if one is properly hydrated; the frequency can indicate if there’s enough fluid intake. Pain or discomfort could indicate a more complicated concern. Scanty urine can reveal the presence of vata; hot urine can show the presence of pitta; cloudy urine may indicate excess kapha. Feces: Daily elimination (or lack thereof) is a visible indication of digestive health. Ideally, we should eliminate every morning within one hour of waking. The bowel movement should have no pain or strain and be the consistency of a banana. Constipation indicates that vata is present, loose stools indicate pitta, and heavy, sludgy stools indicate kapha. Tongue: A large, round-tipped tongue indicates more kapha; redness suggests pitta; cracking and a thin, pointed-tip tongue is more prevalent in vata. Scalloped edges on the sides of the tongue (teeth impressions) indicate possible malabsorption or malnutrition. Coating indicates a presence of ama, or undigested food. This detailed discussion provides an insight on the overall state of your health and enables your Ayurvedic Practitioner to come up with the best strategy to assist in resolving any imbalances.

Contact Details

  • Rainbow Parakeet Ayurveda, 52 Alvaston Drive, Carine WA, Australia

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