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Organic Herbal Tea - Parvati - Female Tonic

Organic Herbal Tea - Parvati - Female Tonic

                                                               “Parvati” Herbal tea (Certified Organic)

Parvati is the Hindu goddess of fertility, love and devotion. She is a manifestation of Shakti, the divine feminine energy of the universe.


This herbal blend is formulated by Rainbow Parakeet Ayurveda as a female tonic and consists of certified organic herbs: asparagus root (shatavari), red rose petals, raspberry leaf, lavender flowers, cleavers, lemon balm and ginger root.


  • Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus) is the main Ayurvedic tonic herb and a rejuvenator for the female reproductive organs. It is translated as “who possesses a hundred husbands”. Origin: India


  • Red Rose flowers (Rosa Centifolia) combine well with Shatavari as a tonic due to their cooling and astringent quality. They relieve heat, congestion of the blood and soothe inflamed surfaces. Origin: India


  • Raspberry leaf (Rubus Idaeus)  is a uterine tonic and has affinity to the colon and female reproductive organs, where it has a strongly astringent and mildly tonifying action. Origin: Albania


  • Cleavers (Galium aparine)  is tonic and detoxifier; Medicinal uses include: diuretic, detoxifying agent, mild laxative, anti-inflammatory, astringent, tonic. Origin: Hungary


  • Ginger Root  (Gingiber officinale) is called a “universal medicine” and perhaps the best and most sattvic of the spices. It stimulates digestive tract and respiratory system. Origin: India


  • Lemon balm (Melissa Officinalis) is strongly antiviral, antibacterial and aromatic. It’s also a digestive stimulant, an antidepressant, antihistamine and nerve tonic. It is used for mood lifting, relieves tension and anxiety. Great for stress-related disorders such as IBS and respiratory irritation. Origin: Italy


  • Lavender flowers (Lavendula angustifolia) are antiseptic, antispasmodic and antibacterial. It is also a relaxant and nerve tonic. Common medicinal uses include: remedy for tension headaches, calming, to treat insomnia, relieve stress, anxiety and depression. Origin: China


Preparation: Steep 1tsp in hot water for 15 minutes; enjoy 1-3 cups per day


Precaution:  Please consult your health practitioner if you are pregnant as some varieties of raspberry leaf may promote abortion and may only be used in the last trimester of pregnancy.

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