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5-Day Detox Pack

5-Day Detox Pack

SKU: 364215376135191

Five Day Detox pack includes all the food and spices required for a Five-Day Mild Ayurvedic at home cleanse:


1. Detox Soup Concentrate cooked to order by the Ayurvedic Practitioner. 

2. Digestive spices and purging herbs to assist with digestion and elimination of ama (toxins).

3. Kitchari and Mung Bean soup dry packs.

4. Ghee for cooking your kitchari and mung bean soup.

5. Digestive tea.

6. Ayurvedic oil for the self-massage - Abhyanga.

7. Written step by step instructions for the Detox.

8. Access to the Ayurvedic Practitioner via Wats app for the duration of the detox should any questions arise.

We only use organic ingredients in our perparations.


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